If you are looking for a kick-start on the path of Tantric sex, learning to give a London massage erotic is a great place to start. It develops physical sensitivity and helps you understand different arousal levels. It can open up your emotions on an emotional, spiritual, and energetic level. Men are also vulnerable to trauma, which is why the Lingam Massage can be a great way to help them release their emotional baggage.
Tantra’s Lingam is the penis.
In Tantra, the penis is referred to as the Lingam. It is a sacred object that symbolizes fertility. It is also worshiped as a representation of Shiva, a supreme being. A male Lingam can provide valuable insight and spirituality.
The Lingam has the ability to hold a large volume of blood. This enables the sperm to travel a long distance to reach the female egg. It is important for men to practice love often and preserve their ejaculation.
The Lingam must honor the sexual energy contained within it. It must recognize the brain in the head, stomach, penis, and stomach. It should be a symbol that the mind and body work together. The genitals are the primary centers of energy for man, and embracing the fullness of this energy will lead to the divine recall of our purpose.
Hindus refer to the penis as the lingam. Sanskrit is the word for “sign” which means “erect penis.” The Lingam is a representation of the divine phallus. It is the symbol of Shiva’s masculine energy, the god of creation and union of heaven and Earth. It also represents fertility and a sacred non-sexual character. In India, the lingam is revered in a temple called Brihadisvara. It was built by King Chola Rajaraja Chola II between 1003 and 1105.
There are different ways of performing a Lingam massage. One technique involves cupping the Lingam in the palm of the hand and squeezing the tip of it. This should be done for at most 30 seconds. Then, the practitioner should move to a sacred spot and release the pressure on the Lingam.

Set the scene.
A tantric penis massage, also known as a lingam massage, is not your average erotic massage. The majority of authentic tantric penis massage recipients don’t ejaculate. This message is more about personal evolution than lust. A lingam massage is a great choice if you are interested in changing your sexual DNA.
You should establish a connection to begin the massage. You and the recipient should both be physically and mentally prepared for the experience. This will make your penis massage a deeply personal experience for you both.
Your partner should pay attention to the penis, which can range from soft to hard. Your partner should be aware and alert to your breathing patterns, so they can know when you are near orgasm. Then, as your partner reaches the threshold of orgasm, pull back slowly, which will help your partner experience waves of orgasm.
Lingam massage is a form of massage involving two hands. The receiver should be seated next to the giver, while the receiver must lie down or sit on his back. This type of massage is very popular with men. They do not stand passively when their penis is touched, but respond actively to this type of touch. As long as the receiver is completely relaxed and attentive, the session should be a blissful experience for both of you.
Setting the mood is the first step in tantric massage. The partner should be in a comfortable position and be completely relaxed. The partner should be on their back, with their legs apart and knees bent. Their gaze should be focused upward and relaxed. Slowly apply oil to the different body parts, with the right blend of love and care. The first phase should be about the emotional connection between you.
Use a deliberate touch.
It is important to use a deliberate touch when giving a tantric penis massage. You will use your finger to gently touch the penis of your partner in a specific direction. This will help you focus your energy on the climax. To gently stimulate the prostate, you can also use a oily finger. Tantra massage considers the prostate sacred and should be stimulated to help your partner reach climax.
The first part of the massage is to begin by massaging the man’s chest, shoulders, abdomen, and legs. Use slow, rhythmic strokes to massage the sensitive areas. Next, massage the penis by focusing on the shaft and head.
After the massage is over, you can cuddle your client and have a conversation. Give your client the opportunity to express their feelings and talk to you. It is important to ensure that your client has enough time to talk and that there aren’t interruptions.
Tantric penis massage is also available for those who don’t have an urge to erection. Using unintentional touching, pleasurable breathing, and the development of a man’s erotic energy field, tantric penis massage helps people achieve ecstasy without the pressure of an erection. The goal is to help people find and understand their own sexual energy, which will lead to better health and sexual awareness.
Tantric massages are a wonderful experience. The therapist will use their hands to give the massage, which can be as simple or as intense as the client wishes. Sometimes, the massage therapist may use oils or compresses to aid the process. It is important that the therapist is aware that clients have the right to end the session at any time. Professional tantric therapists will explain this to clients. While a friend can watch the session, the therapist should not allow them to interfere with the sexual experience.

Let massage time begin.
A tantric massage involves both positive and negative tension. During the first massage, you should try to keep the mood neutral, with no expectations. You can say a simple namaste to your therapist, and focus on the massage itself. Don’t demand or use forceful manipulations. It should be enjoyable and without taboos.
You will have a more relaxing and enjoyable massage if you choose a private, quiet space. Turn off your cell phone and ensure that there are no interruptions. You can also turn on some relaxing music. Choose music that flows and makes it feel like you are immersed. Remember that full consent is important when it comes to sensual massage, and it can be difficult to do so without being able to communicate your feelings.
Consider your partner’s body type when choosing a massage. Tantric massages are designed to increase sexual energy. The masseuse will focus on the area where the sexual energy is stored, and will spend the majority of the time on the partner’s back. The massage should take about 20 minutes.
In addition to increasing sexual satisfaction and self-esteem, a tantric massage can also enhance your partner’s emotional state. By slowing down and allowing your feelings to come to the surface, you’ll be able to access a new level of lovemaking. Tantric massage requires that both partners are physically present throughout the session.
Before beginning the massage, it’s important to use a quality massage oil. Massage should be done in a loving and nurturing way. The strokes should be slow and rhythmic. This will reduce stress and help you feel centered.
Honor the Lingam.
During a Tantric penis massage, it is important to honor the Lingam and its sacred energy. The Lingam represents the sacred energy that can be moved through the body and toward the heart. When giving a Lingam massage, use two hands and a firm grip. To massage the frenulum (the area below the head), use the tips of your fingernails. Massage the Lingam slowly and carefully.
It is important to perform the ritual of Lingam worship during a Tantric Penis Massage. The Lingam is associated with the Hindu god Shiva, the male creative principle of the universe. The practice of Lingam worship is not limited to India and has spread throughout the world.
Lingams can be made from a variety materials. Some materials include raw-rice, quartz, emerald, mud, gold, copper, and cowdung. The Lingam can be placed in a temple where it is protected from the weather.
The Lingam is a sacred object in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is a symbol of the divine masculine & feminine forces and is used for opening up energy channels in the body. It is a conduit of sexual energy and symbolises the divine masculine force.
A Lingam massage doesn’t require a man performing erotic acts. The intention is to reprogram the body’s sexual DNA. It is a spiritual service and personal development. It can result in a prolonged orgasmic state.
It is important that you begin your massage by gently pressing on the Lingam. Next, move to the perineum. This is the sacred area halfway between the testicles & the anus. You can either use a downward stroke from the Lingam to the anus or a circular stroke from the Lingam to the anu.